Nestled among ancient trees against the backdrop of the Southern Alps, this lovingly restored local icon has been reborn as a resort oasis, offering an outdoor pool, tennis, and petanque courts. Complimentary WiFi is a bonus.
At Hanmer Springs Hotel, guests can select from various accommodation options, ranging from hotel rooms to self-contained villas, all paired with free parking. A continental breakfast is included, while a la carte breakfast incurs an extra charge.
The hotel boasts an elegant restaurant and bar with lofty dining room ceilings, showcasing local wines and cuisine. Winter evenings feature a cozy fireplace, while summer invites al fresco dining.
Located just a 5-minute stroll from the Hanmer Springs Thermal Reserve, the property is a scenic 90-minute drive from Christchurch. Organized hunting and fishing trips, as well as activities like golf, white water rafting, mountain biking, snow skiing, and jet boating, can be arranged.
Our guests’ preferred spot in Hanmer Springs, based on independent reviews.